What is Strength
Strength is often no more than doing what has to be done to continue moving forward even when things seem impossible.
Sometimes what people percieve as strength is simply accepting the hand you were dealt and living your life the best you can despite opposing circumstance or forces.
We all have it within us. We all are capable of drawing on our own inner strength. Even when times are beyond tough, even when things seem hopeless, our own desire to move forward out of the fog, out of the mire, can take us where we need to be. When your desire to get out of the muck of circumstance is great enough to keep you moving forward, that is strength.
But real strength is beyond just moving forward, it is beyond simply getting out of the difficult time or moment. Real strength is facing your fear and telling it that is has no power over you. Real strength is facing the reality of what has happened and learning from it.
And the reality is that we ALL go through times that are not easy. We have all experienced something that could easily stop us in our tracks if we let it. In those moments we have a choice to make. We don’t even realize that we ARE making a choice. We could choose to fall apart and remain in the fog, remain in the muck and mire. We could choose to wallow in the moment and never really leave it. The other option is to choose life. It is to choose moving forward.
It takes a brave person to face reality, accept it, learn from it, and then move out of the moment and into the next.