You just never know what might pop out of my mouth at any given moment. I might be talking about my Indian Ringneck, or Full Time RVing. Maybe I'll be talking about the path to happiness or griping about the state of healthcare or maybe about chronic illness. I have lots to say and sometimes I'm just plain RANDOM.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Filling the 'Down Time'

What do you do during your 'down time' to keep yourself busy, happy, or occupied? What hobbies do you wish you could take some time to enjoy doing? What do you want to make time for that you have not been doing?

We are disabled and Full Time RVers so there is often a lot of 'down time' to fill up. For me I have a wonderful partner who I spend time with, I have my writing and my videos, I have my dog and I have a lot of things I enjoy online.

I am so lucky because I have a husband I enjoy spending time with. We often just sit and talk for hours. We enjoy curling up on the couch together and watching videos and even if the movie is bad the company is amazing. And of course we enjoy spending 'couple time' often as well.

I have my hobbies of writing and now creating videos that I enjoy incredibly. I have other hobbies I enjoy as well. When I have the money and ability I love crafting jewelry and other items. These all keep me very busy and happy.

I enjoy doing research and learning new things. Right now I'm trying to learn some more Spanish again, as I feel that is most useful down south. But I also will get on kicks for other things I want to learn and I want to learn them as fully as possible so I'll dive in and go for it.

I have my dog who takes up a good deal of my time. I have to take her for walks and play with her. She sometimes just lays here and cuddles with me while I watch videos or even just when I'm doing nothing at all. She is a great comfort to me.

I also have all of my online communities where I post quotes and information. I have the blog that I have to keep up to date. I have games I play online. All of that brings me enjoyment and keeps me busy.

I would really like to learn a new craft. I'm not sure what yet. I've been debating on whether I want to learn to make quilts, which I think is useful, or if I want to learn to crochet or knit and create things that are also useful. I know I want to learn at least one of them and I will. I will probably buy some knitting needles this month and find some videos to teach myself.

One thing I haven't been doing that I really want to make time for is meditating. I think that would be something John and I could do together and it would be good for us both. I also want to reconnect with my spiritual path and get John and I doing something at least once a week that helps us along in that way. We had been doing 2 or 3 nights a week at one point where we listened to a spiritual teaching, watched a video on YouTube that was by a speaker like Wayne Dyer or we went to online classes. We were studying together working on our Masters degree in Metaphysical Counseling until money got tight and I had to pause our classes. I very much want to get back to all of that.

John asked me earlier today what my New Year's Resolution was for 2013 and I didn't know. I think now it is to get us back on track with all of this. We have the ability to make the time and I feel it is so important. It is also to find a craft I can enjoy once again making something useful AND to help John acquire what he needs to have a hobby he can ejoy as well.

(dedicated to the woman who asked me "What do you do all day? We almost never see you.)

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