The statement above was said by my husband shortly after a very LONG talk about our financial situation. We are having a tough month. We overspent and got ourselves into a pickle and then the truck broke down. We know that this struggle is something WE created but that makes it no less painful.
After saying what he said above he laughed and said "You know if a rich person heard me say that we're alright because we have paper towels, they'd think I was nuts."
It got me thinking. What little things are important to different people. For John it's paper towels. We never used to be able to afford this little extra and the fact that we always have them now keeps him feeling like we are doing ok.
Usually I'm more wrapped up in the whole picture. I never thought about paper towels in this way before. He's right though, we never used to have paper towels except on rare occasions. I'd buy them for major cleaning days or as a special thing. Now we always have paper towels and I never really think twice about it.

After today I'll not see them in the same way again. Now I'll look up and see that roll of wonderful white hanging proudly in my kitchen and think "ah, there they are, and we're doing just fine".
So the next time things go sideways on you, stop and think. What little thing do you still have that lets you know you are still ok? Or what little thing do you need to help you feel like things are going to be ok?
For now, "we're doing just fine because we have paper towels".