Recently we returned to the road. It's been a long time in one place for us. We hadn't planned to be there so long but couldn't bring ourselves to move along because we worried so much for the person we were helping if we were to do so. But the time had come and it came unexpectedly.
Universe pushes me when I won't budge on my own and it pushed once again to get me on the move. However, it didn't lead where I thought it would and when I argued with it I got struck with more hardship than usual to put me in my place.
The push to leave was needed even though we still held our concerns and we fought it for quite some time before the push became a shove. The shove we took and down the road we did head. But what we expected was not to be. We planned and expected to head to a place where we had been before, a place that felt safe and secure, a place to rest and regroup ourselves. Universe had other plans.
Almost right away the truck began having problems but we really felt they would pass and we could make it. So we continued on. At some point it got bad enough that we began to worry a little too much so we stopped at a truck stop to consider our options. During this stop we decided to see if we could get a cab to Walmart and get some parts we thought would help. The local cab office said it would be $20ish for the round trip. I knew that was a low quote but I figured it had to be close so we took it. I was wrong.
The parts cost $40 and the round trip cab was $60, which is far from what I was told and what I could afford. Still it would be worth it if it fixed the truck enough to get us where we were trying to go.
Parts in place we headed back onto the highway. Within minutes the truck was having issues again. We debated on stopping at a rest area or continuing to another truck stop. We chose truck stop and passed the rest area by. Not long passed before we knew we wouldn't make it to the truck stop though, so we took at exit and accidentally found ourselves right at a Walmart, where we decided to stop and rest for a bit while we figured out our next move.
When I woke from my two hour nap, John said something to me that struck me odd because I had been thinking the same thing but was refusing to listen. He said "We have always followed Universal energy and where we felt we were being led. Maybe we broke down here because we are meant to be here for some reason for a while."
My response was that I had thought the same thing and that I even discussed it with God before going off to sleep. I had explained that we really didn't want to argue but just this once I really wanted to just go where I wanted to be. I explained how I needed a break. I begged to please just be allowed this one thing this time. I told John I felt strongly that we would be allowed to move forward and our best bet was to get the truck fixed up to do so.
So we looked for a mechanic. Again I didn't listen. John had said if the first three wouldn't/couldn't help we should listen to Universe and find a campground. Could I do that? Oh heavens no. I called at least 15 before I found one who was willing to help right away and we drove there.
Now, facts are if I'd listened sooner we wouldn't be so broke and be in such a difficult situation, but we also would not have met the amazing guys at this garage either. Jerry, the owner, and Jeff, the mechanic, were so kind to us. They took care of the truck just as I would have wanted someone to do and checked some things I wouldn't have even thought of. Once all the repairs were completed they gave us the bill, which was reasonable but still a scary price when you are running low on money. We paid them and headed out.
We didn't get far before realizing it didn't work. We pulled back into Walmart and started calling campgrounds to find one we could afford. Florida campgrounds are not only expensive but some of them insanely so. Out of all the calls I made only about 3 were affordable. One had some issues with our son being with us, they would let us in but I didn't like the attitude and worried for the situation. Another didn't have ANY stores nearby and with no working vehicle that would be an issue. The third, which is where we ended up, was much farther away but there were stores within a mile (walking distance) and they were very friendly and had no problem with our son being with us. Still the price was $150 more than I had planned into bills for rent and we would have very little left.
Choiceless we began driving to it. The truck wasn't having it and finally broke down completely. At this point we had been headed back toward the garage and were now less than a block away. Johnny and I walked to it to see if Jerry and Jeff had any way to help us out.
Jerry and Jeff went out of their way to get us to safety. They ended up borrowing a friend's vehicle to tow our camper into their lot and then go pull the truck over too. They wanted to make sure our home didn't get towed off by the police. Once safely in the garage lot they began trying to find us help to get to the campground, making phone calls and finding me numbers to call as well. Nothing was panning out.
Finally, a series of phone calls led back to a man I had spoken to in the early morning who had wanted to help then but couldn't. This time he could and did help. He charged me only $100 to tow the camper the 17 miles to the campground, which was half what anyone else was quoting so I KNOW he did that out of kindness.
However, this was my last $100. This would leave me with nothing for food and I forgot about my phone payment. We would be in big trouble at the end of this but it had to be done or we'd lose the food in the freezer we already had and we'd be stuck with no place to really live. So we took it.
We got to the campground and the owner had called a neighbor to settle us in because the manager was out to dinner. The neighbor, Phyllis, was so super sweet and nice. We talked while the guys got the camper set in the spot and I hugged her before she headed back to her own camper for the night. She made me feel safe and welcome, which I needed very much.
We set up the camper just enough to sleep and then off to bed. The next day I was to find out that my best friend, who is just the sweetest girl in the world, was trying to raise some donations to help us and planning to help us too even though she herself is struggling with bills. I called my mother to see if she could put $50 in my bank to keep my phone on and explained some of the situation. She went right down in the morning to my bank and put money in for the phone and enough for a little bit of food as well.
I then got up and went to do our laundry, of which there was a lot. While doing that the manager came over to me to get some paperwork done and to ask me a couple of things, included in that was to please wash the camper. She didn't say 'right now' as people in the south are too proper to demand but she also didn't say in a day or two when you feel better, knowing that I was in bad shape from our interesting journey. So I took it to mean now please even if it was more implied that stated.
Thankfully some very kind neighbors saw me outside with a sponge trying my best and loaned me a brush and some proper soap and a sprayer end for the hose. It was still a heck of a job but not as bad as it could/would have been. Once again a small kindness from a stranger that meant the world to me.
That afternoon there was to be a pot luck dinner. There's a huge schedule of events at this
campground, something I'm not used to and really don't need but it's here nonetheless. I really had nothing to offer so hadn't planned to go, but that changed. John and I were relaxing outside after washing the whole camper and Phyllis came walking over. She had a bag in her hand and in it were two cans of veggies. She said "Put them in a dish and come to the pot luck". She knew we didn't have much in the way of food and did this small kindness to help out. I was greatly touched.
Angels on Earth don't always perform massive acts of heroism. As you can see the kindnesses can range from truly saving someone in a very tough situation to simply offering a brush, some soap, or 2 cans of veggies. Even the smallest gesture of kindness can change a person's day. Offering understanding, care, and genuine concern can mean as much as offering $1 or $100.
I got here feeling sticky and dirty and totally out of my element. It has been two years since we've been in ANY campground and certainly never one in Florida, which are usually a bit more upper end than I'm used to or comfortable with. Phyllis made me feel comfortable the first night. So much so that I hugged her and she did it with just a few kind words of understanding.
The next day most of the people made me feel like I don't belong here except for two amazing neighbors who offered help to us as we tried to "fit in" without seeming like they were looking down their noses at us. They did it with true kindness and compassion.
Still I was feeling much less welcome and more like hiding in my camper. I had NO intention of mingling, and then Phyllis once again showed me kindness. A small gesture that meant SO much to me. It made me feel like I could manage just a bit more and I went to the Pot luck. There were mixed energies and signals there but I needed that to remind me that campgrounds are always like that and I AM strong enough to handle it.
Mind you I won't be doing much socializing most likely. I might go to Bingo, as I really like Bingo lol, but mostly we'll do what we always do. We'll stick to our camper, walk our dog, play on the computer, and live our lives. What goes on outside our door is really not all that much of a concern to me.
I'm still not comfortable here. I want to get to our original destination. But I'm not arguing anymore. I know there is a reason. That and I don't have a truck at the moment. So here we'll sit until we can afford to properly fix the truck and move on. That could be a few months yet and I'll just have to be okay with that. I need to take a deep breath and remember my path and let myself return into the flow. I need to allow myself to see these small kindnesses and the good hearts of some of those around me. And I need to ignore those who are small minded, closed of heart, and snobbish because that is their issue not mine. I can let it go.

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