You just never know what might pop out of my mouth at any given moment. I might be talking about my Indian Ringneck, or Full Time RVing. Maybe I'll be talking about the path to happiness or griping about the state of healthcare or maybe about chronic illness. I have lots to say and sometimes I'm just plain RANDOM.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Inspired Joy

Tonight I was so proud of my husband and in awe of him as well. Once again I believe we are living among angels and they are creating miracles within our lives while we are here. Again I will say that I believe that we ARE here for a reason and, though I was not ready to follow what the universe wanted, I cannot be angry that we were pushed even harder and wound up staying because this community is creating such positive changes in us both.

Tonight there was Karaoke at the rec hall. I had planned to go down, as I am always happier after having been in the company of these fine people, these snowbirds, these angels on earth. What I was surprised about was when my husband decided to go with me.

As many of you know, my husband has very severe social anxiety and PTSD along with other similar issues that make it very difficult if not almost impossible for him to go out into crowded public places. He and I haven't really gone out much in years because of it. He panics, stresses, hyperventilates, gets dizzy and comes close to passing out sometimes even at just the thought of going out. Out of nowhere tonight he just decided to go with me, to my great joy.

Now I've been telling you what amazing people these are and how they make me, and through me John as well, feel welcome and comfortable. I've explained that I've been going to events as they have been of interest. But never did I expect my husband to go to something like this with me. Not only did he go and have fun but he also got up and sang AND he danced with me.

Those who know him will understand what a complete miracle this is and those who don't will just have to trust me. I've never seen him become so at ease so quickly with a group of people. He joked and laughed and visited. He sang by himself and he danced with me for the first time in years.

I also got to feel a connection with an amazing lady tonight. I didn't know who she was until near the end of the evening but I had such a good time with her all night. I later learned she is actually the owner of the campground, which explains to me why the campground has the energy it does. She is an amazing, vibrant woman with so much love surrounding her and emanating from her.

I certainly feel as though we were led here for a reason. I believe that every one of these folks has something amazing I will learn from them and they are going to make such a difference to John and I.

I think part of our being at ease with these folks is their completely joyful attitudes. They LIVE life day by day, moment by moment. They don't look for or create drama. They don't seem to dwell on past woes or overly worry about tomorrow. They simply live in the moment. They enjoy each other. They laugh, love, play and live.

I watched one of the couple's dancing tonight, who later told me they'd been married for 52 years, and I couldn't help but smile. They were so obviously in love but beyond that they were happy and joyful. They were playful with each other and with the rest of us on the dance floor. They were who I hope John and I will be. And tonight, for just a moment, we were.

As with any community there are always people who seem to dislike happiness in any form and often will seem to try to bring others down just by their own disdain for life. Those are here in this park too but they are the few and they don't stand a chance with such positive energies as there are here.

I've never seen a place where so much positive gathers in one place that the joy overtakes all the negative and even those who are usually unpleasant cannot help but smile, laugh, and enjoy life for a while. I see it here. I watch it happen at these events. The negativity is completed muted out by the joy and love that the majority brings into the one place together and it is awe inspiring and miraculous to see.

For each person who comes here I'm sure this place is something different. Every person is here for their own distinct and unique reasons. For us I believe this is our place of healing. We both seem to be doing so much better with our individual health issues and that of itself is such an amazing blessing.

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