You just never know what might pop out of my mouth at any given moment. I might be talking about my Indian Ringneck, or Full Time RVing. Maybe I'll be talking about the path to happiness or griping about the state of healthcare or maybe about chronic illness. I have lots to say and sometimes I'm just plain RANDOM.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Awaken the Angel Within
I believe there are people on this earth who are more than they seem. These people are really angels walking among us. They appear out of nowhere and do kind deeds, speak encouraging words, or reach out a hand when we are in our darkest moments. They are Angels on Earth and they walk among us, but there's more than that.
Not only do they walk among us, but they ARE us. Yes! Each and every one of us can be an angel on earth. We are all capable of helping the miracles happen. We are all able to create magic in another person's life. We are each Angels if only we choose to make the effort.
When we create that magic or miracle for another person, when we create that moment, when we reach out in kindness, we do more than just help another person along their journey. We create HOPE where there might have been very little left. We create love where none may have been felt before. We give a gift that leaves a permanent mark on someone's soul, but for once it's a positive mark left behind.
So often the world creates scars and mars upon our spirits. So easy it has become to lose hope and faith and belief in anything, even ourselves. It has become matter of fact to speak of the world in unkindness and see it as selfish. But for a moment you can change that and in that moment you create a lasting feeling for another.
When you choose to use your personal unique gifts and show your angelic wings to another, you not only create magic for them but you create it for yourself. You give yourself a gift so much larger than what you are giving to that other person.
When you give to another and create a miracle for them, when you do a kindness and create that moment of renewed hope, you also create it within yourself. There is no way to describe the amazing feeling that this giving brings within you, it simply has to be experienced. And it changes each time. For every time you create it, it increases exponentially.
If more people understood that by giving they receive so much more, our world might be a better place to live. I do believe that more and more people are learning this. I believe more and more people are experiencing it for themselves and becoming addicted to the feeling it creates. Once you've done it once or twice, you want that feeling every day. You will seek out ways to create it and in the seeking you begin creating miracles for others, and with each gift to those in need, they too seek to give.
So are Angels on Earth unique and special? Yes! I believe they are, but you are able to be a part of that unique and special group if you choose to be.
Try it if you dare. Try it out just 2 times over the next month and see what happens. Be the angel you are so capable of being. Choose something big that really creates a miracle for someone in great need. If it's truly too big to be done alone, then ask a few friends to help you do this for someone.
Awaken the Angel within you and reignite the hope within another. It is the greatest gift you will ever give yourself.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Ned - A story of social anxiety
Ned has social anxiety. Most people don't understand what that means beyond having difficulty with crowds. Below is the story of one of his many attempts at going shopping. It will not give you a total picture of Social Anxiety but it might help you understand just a little.
I'd been debating for days with myself about doing this. I even went so far as to eat just a can of green beans for supper because I had been trying not to go as long as possible. Finally today was the day. I had to go.
I walked through the door into the entry way and chose my cart. I rolled it through the sliding door and as I did the door made a loud "SWISH". I just cringed.
A girl turned around to see who had come in and I knew she was laughing at me inside, but she didn't flinch and turned back to her own shopping.
As I began to push the cart once more I realized my error in choosing it. One of the wheels squeaked so loudly it sounded like I was killing a cat with every step. Another of them wobbled in such a way that it made a loud thud with every other step. So my cart was doing this squeak squeak THUD that was making my blood pressure rise with each passing moment.
It seemed like all at once everyone in the store looked at me to see what all the commotion was. Men sizing me up and making themselves feel better by comparison. Woman snickering and whispering to each other. I could only imagine what they were saying.
My heart pounded so that I though it might pound right out of my chest as I continued to make my way to the first isle. Beads of sweat trickled down my face as I tried to breath.
A child giggled behind me and I froze.
Leaving the cart right where it was, I turned and walked toward the door. I could feel all their eyes on me. I knew they were satisfied that I was leaving their airspace. My pace quickened.
"SWISH" went the door and I rushed through it into the cool, dark, evening. Still I could feel people staring. I could hear them talking about me. I had to get away.
Finally I got to my car. Quickly I was inside it with key in ignition. I took a breath and started the car. Away! I needed to get away!
And away I went. Finally arriving home and into the safety of my quiet house. Alone with my shades all drawn so nobody could see. Even still I could feel those eyes. I could feel the judgement.
Then I realized that still I had no food and I'd have to try again tomorrow. I felt my heart skip and begin to thump, beads of sweat forming on my brow. Just the thought was almost more than I could stand. Maybe I could find a few more cans of green beans.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
The Accident - A short Story
My legs ached and my ears hurt from the cold, yet there was nothing more I could do but simply keep moving. I was choiceless Well, that's not entirely true, there is always a choice. However, in this case, the other choice was worse. To sit still in this cold, to stop moving, would be a death sentence. So I continued.
The night grew colder and the dark seemed to wrap around me like the grasping hand of some dark demon. I didn't know where I was or how long before I would find any form of shelter.
I'd been walking so long. How did I get here? Why was I out on this road in this cold, unforgiving night?
Suddenly I felt dampness on my face, like drops of sticky rain. I reached up to wipe it away and found that I was bleeding quite severely from a wound I had not realized I had. I must have hit my head. Now sticky, mudlike, blood trickled down the left side of my face.
I began to remember what had happened. Slowly pictures formed in my foggy mind. I had been driving. I couldn't remember where or why but I could see my hands on the steering wheel. Suddenly the car swerved, I'm not sure why, and then I was off the road skidding through grass and between trees.
I tried to hit the brakes but they didn't stop me. The car just kept flying through this offroad nightmare. Then suddenly and violently it all stopped. There was pressure on my legs and the door wouldn't open. I remember wriggling out and climbing out the broken window beside me. I fell. Darkness.
The next thing I remember is walking. The cold nipping at my underdressed body. Pain wracking through me like knives being plunged into me.
The fog of my mind was lifting now, but the pain in my head prevented further memory from coming through. It didn't matter right now anyway. All that mattered was getting out of this cold and stopping the bleeding, which I now realized was happening on several parts of my torn up body.
I was so tired that I was no longer really walking, more like stumbling forward with purpose. I could barely get my legs to continue but my own stubborn will forced me forward. Cars whizzed by me without even so much as a glance. In this day and age nobody was going to stop for a stranger. I was on my own.
In the distance I heard sirens. I prayed they would come my way. I prayed for them to find me. Alas, they moved further away rather than closer.
I continued to stumble and fumble my way along the darkened road. The occasional car passed but the traffic became less and less. I realized that the hour must be very late now.
As snow began to float down from above, tears rolled down my cheeks as I began to believe this would be my end.
Then as I crested the next hill, bleeding and crying and barely able to walk, I could see a bright light in the distance. It was the first light I had seen in all this time I'd been walking, at least in the time I could remember.
The hope this gave me must have shot adrenaline through me because I felt my pace pick up. The hope that there would be people or at least some sort of shelter kept me moving forward toward this ever brightening light.
Further and further I walked. I wanted to walk faster but my body refused. So I kept the best pace I could and prayed that this light would be my salvation.
As I got closer, the light seemed to dim but the source became more visible. It was a sign glowing in the night, advertising the campground it sat outside of. Nobody would be awake and I knew that but maybe there would be a bathroom where I could clean up and take shelter from this bitter cold. If I could just get there.
Finally I was under the glow and looking into the darkened and quiet campground. I was so relieved that I almost fell to the ground. My legs felt like jelly beneath me. However, I knew that to fall now would mean not getting back up and that was still a danger I couldn't risk.
I forced myself to keep moving. I found the main building and the men's bathroom. I pushed open the door and stumbled through. Behind the door was warmth. My body collapsed. The warmth eroded my stubborness and released the flood of tears I had been trying to hold back.
I laid on the tile floor crying and bleeding until finally darkness overtook my mind and all was quiet.
Voices. Sirens. I couldn't open my eyes but I could hear them. I shook my head trying to clear the fog. Trying to remember where I was. Trying to wake from this dream. Then my eyes opened and I realized it was no dream. There were people all around me in this strange room. Outside the door I could see an ambulance and the people were putting me on a rolling bed. I didn't understand. Where was I? Why were they taking me?
Suddenly I felt a hand touch mine and the most melodious voice said to me, "You are going to be fine sir." I looked up to see the face of an angel.
The memories of the previous night came flooding back. Tears and a cry escaped as I realized I had somehow survived. Questions flashed through my head but I didn't say a word. It could all wait. Right now all that mattered was that I survived. Everything else could come with time.
I don't remember the ride to the hospital. That most likely has a lot to do with the medications they gave me in the ambulance. I don't remember much of that first day. Doctors in and out of my room, xrays, cat-scans, blood being drawn, and lots of medication induced sleep.
"Nate?" a man's voice asked. My eyes fought to remain closed but my curious mind wondered who it was. My mind won the battle as I forced my eyes to open.
The brightness of the morning and the fog of medication did not agree with me. My vision was blurred and focus did not come right away.
"Are you Nate Bacwin?" said that same voice, which I could now see coming from a shape within my room.
I struggled to see but my vision did not want to come to me. I tried to speak but my voice came out in a crackle with no words attached. I began to panic.
The man in the room must have seen my concern and he calmly spoke again, "I'm sorry sir. You've been through quite an ordeal. Let me get a nurse and we'll start over after." And then he was gone.
Moments later nurses, I'm not sure how many, swarmed into my room. They checked all my vitals and helped me sit up and get comfortable. Once again I tried to speak, this time the crackle managed a couple words, "Can't see clear."
One of the shapes in the room shined a light in my eyes and then he spoke, "It's ok Mr. Bacwin, it's just from the concussion you suffered. It should clear up in a few hours. I don't believe there is permanent damage."
Bacwin? Was that my name? My mind, still foggy from the accident and the drugs, struggled for answers. I closed my eyes and let my mind race through what information it could find, like doing a search on a computer.
Suddenly it all came flooding back. My past, my name, and the accident. The car hadn't swerved it had been hit and knocked right through a guardrail. It skidded for a long way and then hit a very large tree.
My eyes popped open. Vision still blurry I could only see shapes in the room. I croaked out, "Why?"
Once again the original male voice spoke, "Mr. Bacwin, we have the woman in custody. The woman who hit you. She was very intoxicated and after hitting your car she somehow made it into town and hit several parked cars. Police arrested her and she was babbling on about the car in the trees. We didn't know what she meant until she sobered up and remembered where she had run you off the road. We believe she was trying to go for help but was in no condition to succeed."
Tears rolled down my face as I listened. How could someone drive in such a condition and risk hurting others? Why do people do such things? As these thoughts passed through my mind I managed to croak out, "What will happen?"
The voice, obviously an officer, answered, "This is not her first offense sir. She will most likely be going to jail for a very long time, however, that is up to the court."
And then another male voice, who I now know was the doctor looking after me said, "And as for you my friend, you will be here for a few weeks recovering. You have several broken bones, cuts, bruises, and we had to put 14 stitches in that stubborn head of yours, but you will be fine. None of us knows how you made it the 4 miles to that campground but thank heavens you did."
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Choose to Live TODAY!
Let today be your life! Enjoy your moments. Take a mental picture of the best of today but also simply enjoy those moments. Be IN them.
Yesterday is gone. Yesterday might have been the most awful day. It might have been difficult, traumatic, or simply awful. However, it was yesterday. We can't change the day or what happened. What we CAN change is OURSELVES and how we see the NEW day we are in.
Tomorrow has yet to be determined. Tomorrow might be AMAZING. Tomorrow might hold the most amazing key to your future. Or tomorrow might hold a new struggle or a new lesson to learn. However, it has not yet appeared. We need to not worry about tomorrow so much and live in fear of it. It is UNKNOWN and we cannot change that.
TODAY is where we are. Each moment holds a new gift to unfold. Even in our difficult moments we are being shown something that will help us or we are being led to something more amazing. Even in the most difficult moments we can find something wonderful to smile about.
TODAY is a gift. Waking up each morning is a GIFT. Tomorrow is never guaranteed and so each time we wake it is a wonderful gift. That in and of itself is something to cherish and appreciate but there's always more. Go out and look at the beautiful grass and appreciate the green earth. Enjoy the beauty of the white snow that blankets the ground and realize that so many never get to see that beauty. Dance in the rain or walk in the sun. Hang on to the loved one who is standing by your side or appreciate yourself and your own strength to stand alone.
Every moment is a gift. Every minute you have a CHOICE. Your choice is to dwell on the negative and let it drag you down or to grasp onto the positive and enjoy the warmth even the smallest joy can bring to you.
Let today be the first day of a new dawn within your life. Let today begin your journey into happiness. Happiness is not a destination but a way of life. However, it takes time to learn how to live it. So let today be your new beginning.
Each day wake up and say thank you. Just say the words. Don't worry about who you are saying it to, the emotion of gratitude is enough. Gratitude creates a change withing. Start with that and then every day live in the DAY, live in the NOW, live in the moments.
Not all moments are good but we can choose to experience the bad with the good. Experience just the moment, let it pass over you and through you. Allow yourself to feel and express your feelings. And finally don't dwell, allow yourself to pass into the next moment and continue forward. Because just as all moments are not good, all moments ARE NOT BAD either. And when we choose to focus more fully on the positive, we experience that for longer and longer.
Let today be the beginning of something beautiful for you. Let it be that beginning of change. Experience only the moment you are in. Don't dwell in yesterday for it is gone, don't worry about tomorrow for it will take care of itself, simply live in the moment you are in for each moment throughout the day and find out what it's like to truly live fully and experience your life.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
The Twelve Drunken Days of Christmas
I wrote something like this a long time ago for a friend of mine but with all the moves I don't have the original anymore. So today I worked on a new one. Hope ya'll enjoy it.
On the First day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
A shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Second day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
Two Bud Lights
and a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Third day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
and a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Fourth day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Fifth day of Christmas my Barkeep gave to me
FIVE Lord Calverts
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the First day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
A shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Second day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
Two Bud Lights
and a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Third day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
and a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Fourth day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Fifth day of Christmas my Barkeep gave to me
FIVE Lord Calverts
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Sixth day of Christmas my Barkeep gave to me
Six Shots of Vodka
FIVE Lord Calverts
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Seventh day of Christmas my Barkeep gave to me
Seven Martinis
This content written and copyrighted by Tracy Seekins
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Seventh day of Christmas my Barkeep gave to me
Seven Martinis
Six Shots of Vodka
FIVE Lord Calverts
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Eighth day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
Eight Gin & Tonics
Seven Martinis
Six Shots of Vodka
FIVE Lord Calverts
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Ninth day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
Nine Margaritas
Eight Gin & Tonics
Seven Martinis
Six Shots of Vodka
FIVE Lord Calverts
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Tenth day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
Ten Sangrias
Nine Margaritas
Eight Gin & Tonics
Seven Martinis
Six Shots of Vodka
Six Shots of Vodka
FIVE Lord Calverts
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Eleventh day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
Eleven Bloody Marys
Ten Sangrias
Nine Margaritas
Eight Gin & Tonics
Seven Martinis
Six Shots of Vodka
FIVE Lord Calverts
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the Twelfth day of Christmas my barkeep gave to me
Twelve Screwdrivers
Eleven Bloody Marys
Ten Sangrias
Nine Margaritas
Eight Gin & Tonics
Seven Martinis
Six Shots of Vodka
FIVE Lord Calverts
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
Four Tequilas
Three Whiskey Sours
Two Bud Lights
And a shot of Jack Daniels Whiskey
On the morning of of Christmas I woke in misery
So I'll take a break from now till New Year's Eve!
This content written and copyrighted by Tracy Seekins
Friday, December 21, 2012
Emotional Mess
I’m tired of illness
And tears and pain
I’m tired of mood swings
Tired of blame
I’m sick of myself
This body I’m in
What did I do
That this could happen
I’m sick of this lifetime
I need some relief
Turmoil… Emotions…
Anger and grief
Tired of sitting
Dreaming of life
Tired of turmoil
Tired of strife
Positive thinking
Works only so long
Tired of trying
Dear God what is wrong
Can I find strength
Can I keep moving ahead
Moods change rapidly
Then feeling such dread
One day at a time?
More like one minute to next
I get lost in emotion
Or lost in the text
Struggle for meaning
Words break my brain
Struggle for something
Fight past the pain
One moment a smile
The next there are tears
Will there ever be peace
Without all the fear
By Tracy Seekins
This poem was written during a difficult time. A time when I felt lost and stuck. A time when I felt I couldn't express myself and I felt trapped within.
We ALL have dark moments but we are never as alone as we think we are.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
A Holiday Tradition

Project for Christmas… - You and your family make a “good things” jar. Each time between this Christmas and next Christmas when something happens that is good or great or makes you feel joy write it on a slip of paper and toss it in the jar. Next year on Christmas eve - sit down as a family and read them.
Share this with your friends and family. Create an amazing tradition that creates gratitude and joy.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
A Gathering of Angels - Short Story
"Thank you so much for helping us get settled", Tilly said to the kind neighbor who had come out to help.
The whole park had a glow about it when she first saw the place but now it seemed normal enough, she must have imagined it she thought. Now though this woman seemed to emanate her own light from within as well.
'That's impossible', thought Tilly, 'I must REALLY be exhausted', and she let the idea dissipate from her tired mind.
Still it had been a miserably difficult day and the kindness this lady showed to Tilly and her family caused Tilly to spontaneously hug her before she walked away.
My Christmas Wish
It's that holiday time of year. Christmas is really right around the corner and for the first time in years I'm feeling so in the spirit of giving. Sadly I'm not in a position to be able to give the things I'd like to.
In my mind I imagine shopping for gifts and food to wrap and leave on the steps of homes I know could use the help for Christmas morning. I imagine buying stockings to stuff to hang on people's doorknobs or outside of their home as a wonderful surprise. I am making plans so that when next year comes around I can do this all. For now I have to live in the dreams of my mind.
Christmas giving within our own families is wonderful and to friends is wonderful too. But for me, nothing is better than anonymously giving to those who truly need it. Giving without getting any recognition for it. Nothing beats that. Because I KNOW what it feels like to be struggling or at the end of my rope and receiving a gift that saves me. I know that feeling and I also know the amazing feeling it gives the giver to know they created this for someone.
This year I can't because we are in our own little stuck tough situation. So this year I'm writing this blog to ask my readers to recognize this amazing feeling that you can create. Here's just a few ideas of something you can do.
- Buy a gift card for a local grocery store and tape it to someone's door.
- Buy a Walmart gift card and tape it to someone's door
- Buy a stocking and stuff it with candy, gift cards, cash, cans of Vienna sausages, boxes of mac-n-cheese, batteries (who doesn't need batteries), a good book, other such things and hang it on someone's doorknob or hang it outside their home.
- Buy a bag of food and household supplies and leave it on someone's doorstep.
- Buy children's gifts and adult gifts and leave them for a family in need.
- Tape an envelope with some money to someone's door.
- know someone who's having such a tough year they don't even have a tree? Get a small tree and decorate it. Leave it outside their house with gift cards hung on the tree and maybe a couple gifts too.
- Have flowers delivered to someone who is alone this year with well wishes for the holidays
You can come up with many other ideas, these are just a few to give you a start. Giving is it's own special gift. The amazing feeling it will leave you with is worth the amount of money you spend to make it happen. The feeling it leaves the receiver with is worth 10 times the money you spent to make it happen.
Along with the anonymous kindnesses you can give, remember the small kindnesses you can give to everyone you meet. A smile can often make someone's day 200 times better. Visiting a lonely friend can change their week. Listening to someone struggling can be of comfort. You don't have to spend money to change someone's difficult season into a time full of joy and love.
Remember, no matter what you celebrate or what anyone else celebrates, the season is here to remind us of kindness, joy and comfort that we should share every day of the year. How do you want to feel during the holiday season or during the other days of the year? Can you do something to create even a little of that positive feeling for another person right now? Will you?
Saturday, December 15, 2012
[Jenny is actually chapter 2 of a book I'm working on. Since I'm a bit stuck at the moment and it makes a fine stand alone short story I wanted to share it]
"Jenny?... Jenny!" Suddenly I was pulled out of the strange daydream I had been wandering in while trying to kill time in the never-ending shopping line. I realized that Geneva was calling to me to get me to move up.
"I'm so sorry, Geneva. I guess I was lost in thought" I said to her, turning very red in the face I'm sure.
Geneva just rolled her eyes at me and began ringing up my groceries. She, like most of this little town, didn't like me very much. It wasn't always this way. How did my life get so messed up?
I paid Geneva for the few groceries on the counter, picked up the bag, and headed out the door without another word. I hated going out in public. I hated the looks people gave me. I hated living in this insane little town. I walked as fast as I could to get back to my crappy little hole in the wall apartment. I just didn't want to be out here on these streets any longer than I had to be.
Suddenly there was a police siren near me. My breath hitched and my heart stopped. I became frozen.
"Jenny!" He bellowed. Oh my god, how could he always make my name sound like an act of violence in itself. "Jenny Kelly! Come here please."
"Jenny?... Jenny!" Suddenly I was pulled out of the strange daydream I had been wandering in while trying to kill time in the never-ending shopping line. I realized that Geneva was calling to me to get me to move up.
"I'm so sorry, Geneva. I guess I was lost in thought" I said to her, turning very red in the face I'm sure.
Geneva just rolled her eyes at me and began ringing up my groceries. She, like most of this little town, didn't like me very much. It wasn't always this way. How did my life get so messed up?
I paid Geneva for the few groceries on the counter, picked up the bag, and headed out the door without another word. I hated going out in public. I hated the looks people gave me. I hated living in this insane little town. I walked as fast as I could to get back to my crappy little hole in the wall apartment. I just didn't want to be out here on these streets any longer than I had to be.
Suddenly there was a police siren near me. My breath hitched and my heart stopped. I became frozen.
"Jenny!" He bellowed. Oh my god, how could he always make my name sound like an act of violence in itself. "Jenny Kelly! Come here please."
The Long Haul
Sometimes There are Curveballs
Well sometimes life throws a curveball but it is one of the reasons I appreciate the lifestyle we are living because we are generally able to curve with it.
We had said we never wanted to return to the East Coast but it looks like we will be doing just that. The bonuses to this are that we understand East Coast living, Doctors are in plenty there so John should be able to get back on his medications, and we should be able to stick there for a bit and stabilize our lives and hopefully save a bit.
August 2010 update
August Update
Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve written. Honestly my health has been a bit of an issue this month. I’ve had lots of headaches, body aches, hot flashes and more. I won’t fill you in on all the “fun” details there but that has been a major hindrance in me doing much of anything.
Gypsy Updates (older post)
Updates from the Gypsies
Just thought I would pop on over here and do some writing. I have been feeling so peaceful and relaxed since we arrived in Missouri. For me this place feels a bit like home. We are out in the country on a HUGE piece of property. There is a lot of fields and trees behind that. The weather is very warm but not as hot as the summer we were in Oklahoma thankfully.
On The Road Again
On the Road Again
Oh my goodness would I get in trouble for that title lol. I think I sang every traveling song you could imagine along the trip. Yes folks that means that I’m on the road again. Well not tonight but last night we were. We finally left Georgia around 9pm last night and we arrived in IN at about 11am this morning.
Campground take two & three
About a month after moving to the long term section events took place that forced us to leave. Kyle moved out. Jessie took a bus to be with her mother in Arizona. John, Johnny and I moved out of the park. These were extremely personal events and events that involved other people within the park so I will keep this out of my writings. Enough to say that "everything happens for a reason" and I though I regret the events I now understand some of their purpose.
Our Stay at Fair Harbor
Our first couple of weeks in Georgia
So here we were at our first campground ever. We have never been the camping kind of family and therefore never been at a campground in our lives.
In our 30' camper we had 5 people and 3 pets. There was myself and John, our oldest son and his girlfriend, our youngest son, our Rottie, and our 2 cats.
Life in a tag-a-long camper is very different from living in an apartment, a mobile home, or a house. I should know, I've lived in every one of these accommodations. Now here we are living as a family of 5 in a 30' tag-a-long camper. We have a conversion van as an extra bedroom, but so far that only works well when the temperature outside is warm enough.
So here we were at our first campground ever. We have never been the camping kind of family and therefore never been at a campground in our lives.
In our 30' camper we had 5 people and 3 pets. There was myself and John, our oldest son and his girlfriend, our youngest son, our Rottie, and our 2 cats.
Life in a tag-a-long camper is very different from living in an apartment, a mobile home, or a house. I should know, I've lived in every one of these accommodations. Now here we are living as a family of 5 in a 30' tag-a-long camper. We have a conversion van as an extra bedroom, but so far that only works well when the temperature outside is warm enough.
That first trip
The First Trip
So here we were with a 1985 Dodge Van and a who knows what year camper hauling down the road for a 1400 mile trip. We were anxious, nervous, excited, happy, and sad all at once. John had never really hauled a camper before and the old van is relatively new to us so we weren't sure what to expect.
From Stockton Springs, Maine we took rte 1 into Belfast to connect with rte 3. Rte 1 was slow going but that was to be expected since it was only 5:30pm and there were a lot of people on the road. We were a little concerned about the upcoming hills on rte 3 though cause the van was not really liking the little hills on rte 1. Well, we were right to be concerned. The hills on rte 3 all but stopped us dead in our tracks. Some of them we were lucky to crest at 15mph. The van almost overheated 3 times. We were already starting to worry about such a long trip. All we could do was hope that once we hit highway it would haul better.
Moving in and on....
[These are both writings from some time ago but I'm putting it all together here. :)]
Moving into a Camper
Now when you are moving from a 4 bedroom house with a full basement to a 30' tag along camper things get interesting. You have to decide what you will "need" and what you can't live without. Then you have to figure out where to store everything.
Full Time RVing - Our Beginning
As you might surmise from reading our love story, my husband and I are not only the best of friends but we are totally dedicated to one another and to our family.
In 1995 I found a wonderful job that was very well paying. However, John and I believe that children NEED a parent at home. We discussed for some time what would be best for everyone and decided that he would stay home with the children while I took on this new career.
John was a wonderful stay at home parent. And though even his family gave us a hard time about this decision, we were happy that we did it.
Inspired Joy
Tonight I was so proud of my husband and in awe of him as well. Once again I believe we are living among angels and they are creating miracles within our lives while we are here. Again I will say that I believe that we ARE here for a reason and, though I was not ready to follow what the universe wanted, I cannot be angry that we were pushed even harder and wound up staying because this community is creating such positive changes in us both.
Tonight there was Karaoke at the rec hall. I had planned to go down, as I am always happier after having been in the company of these fine people, these snowbirds, these angels on earth. What I was surprised about was when my husband decided to go with me.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Time for another "Dear Husband"
Dear Husband,
Thank you. For what? Are you kidding me? For everything you do each day. For cooking for me. For being there when I feel like I'm losing my mind. For having strong arms to hold me when I'm falling apart. For being my BEST friend. For just every single thing you do that lets me know I'm loved and makes me fall in love with you over and over.
What an amazingly lucky woman I am. I get to live my life with my very best friend. I get to fall in love over and over with the same man. I get to be with you!
I know you don't always know this yourself but I told you once that I'd continue to tell you until one day maybe it sinks in and even then I'll keep telling you. YOU ARE AMAZING! Your smile lights up even my darkest days. The sound of your laugh brings joy to my heart.
Life is lived in the moments. I am so lucky to share all those moments with you. Even when we aren't physically with each other we still share the moments because you are carried within my heart always and telling you is the best part of everything. Even the bad things get better when I share them with you. You magically make it that way.
Yesterday has long since passed, but you make it worth remembering together. Tomorrow is unknown but you make it worth looking forward to. Today is where we are and you make every today worth being in.
Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for loving me like you do. Thank you for sharing this lifetime with me. You are the best part of this life and I'm grateful for it.
I love you with all that I am and you create such moments in which I know that I am loved. You create joy in my life and moments worth remembering. I love you so much.
Your loving wife,
Art by John Seekins
My husband is so talented that I just wanted to put together a little blog to show off some of his most recent work to those who visit this blog. Thanks for taking the time to peek at this.
This was the first acrylic painting he did. We still have it. Because it was his first I imagine we will always keep it.
This is my husband's friend Craig. On the left is the photo I took from facebook as a guide to use and on the right is the picture John drew for Craig.
This is the child of one of our friend's in Florida. We gave it to them as a gift.
The 4 above are all nature pictures he has drawn. The last is an owl that I asked for because I so love owls and my wonderful guy drew it for me.
When his spirits are high and happy he often will pick up his pencil and begin working on some project or another. He has to be in a good emotional place to draw and enjoy it, in turn drawing brings him great happiness.
Someday I hope to find something productive to do with all of his amazing art. He is so talented that I feel something should be done with it so that others can enjoy it as well. Until then, I'll continue to share it with those we meet who seem to appreciate such things.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Angel Convention
I have come to realize or maybe simply accept that there is a reason that we became stuck in this place. The universe seldom throws things at us without there being some reason for it. Maybe I am supposed to meet some of these amazing folks or maybe there is someone here I myself am meant to give some hope back to. Or maybe this is a place where it WILL be possible for us to rest and recuperate Whatever the reason, I have come to accept it exists and accept that we are meant to be in this place.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Acts Of Kindness Matter
Recently we returned to the road. It's been a long time in one place for us. We hadn't planned to be there so long but couldn't bring ourselves to move along because we worried so much for the person we were helping if we were to do so. But the time had come and it came unexpectedly.
Universe pushes me when I won't budge on my own and it pushed once again to get me on the move. However, it didn't lead where I thought it would and when I argued with it I got struck with more hardship than usual to put me in my place.
The push to leave was needed even though we still held our concerns and we fought it for quite some time before the push became a shove. The shove we took and down the road we did head. But what we expected was not to be. We planned and expected to head to a place where we had been before, a place that felt safe and secure, a place to rest and regroup ourselves. Universe had other plans.
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