You just never know what might pop out of my mouth at any given moment. I might be talking about my Indian Ringneck, or Full Time RVing. Maybe I'll be talking about the path to happiness or griping about the state of healthcare or maybe about chronic illness. I have lots to say and sometimes I'm just plain RANDOM.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Our Love Story

A Love Story

jump ropeMany people who now read my blog on a regular basis know me but so many others do not so I thought I would slowly fill in the blanks with a few blogs about who I am and my life. This is just one of those.
My husband, John, and I met when he was 3 years old and I was 5 years old. Yes I am 2 years and 2 months exactly older than him. I don’t know if we were instant friends but it sure feels that way. It feels like we just were always naturally a part of each other.
As we got older our friendship grew. He was my best friend and I his. Of course we had other friends and even other best friends but the fact that we were so close that we could tell each other anything is still very special to me.
In Junior High School we would often talk on the phone late into the night. We dated a couple of times but it never stuck. Though John will tell you now that he has always loved me and I believe he did, but we were not ready to commit permanently back then, at least I wasn’t.
When he was in 7th grade he made me a ring in art class. He gave it to me and said someday we would be married and have 2 kids. I laughed at him but I kept the ring. I wore it for years and only recently lost it,heart which just broke my heart.
When I was in 11th grade I moved to Florida and John and I lost touch. Even still, I kept his photo with me and would talk to it as if I was talking to him. He was still my best friend.
After high school I married the first man who asked and because I was in Florida at the time it wasn’t John. This ended up being an extremely abusive relationship that I almost did not survive. Thankfully a very good friend helped me get out of it and I was only married for one year.
After that I floundered for a bit and then ended up in yet another unhealthy but thankfully short lived relationship.
Finally I had come to the end of my rope. I wanted something more out of a relationship. I wanted someone who would treat me decent and truly love me. I wanted John. So I started looking for him.
johnandtracyA friend of mine was married to his brother and so I managed to get a message to him through her. As it turned out he was in a relationship and happy, so it looked like I was out of luck. I had waited too long.
I started trying my hand in the dating world but wasn’t having much luck. Then one day the phone rang. I answered and it was John. I screamed and dropped the phone, which made him laugh. I was so excited to just hear his voice.
He and his girlfriend had broken up and he wanted to know if I’d go on a date with him. What I didn’t know was that his friend was giving him guff for sitting around moping and John bet him he could get a girlfriend with one phone call.
Whatever the reason that he called it didn’t matter because we DID go out and we’ve been together ever since. It’s been 20 years now and he is100_2143 still my best friend. We’ve had our ups and downs. Things have not always been easy, but through it all we have held on to that friendship and that love.
We’ve been together 20 years and I look forward to the next 20.

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