I am not my body!

My body is not me. I am not my figure or my eyes. Even though I knew this it always baffled me that others didn’t. I always wished that I had a different body so that others would like me, respect me,
listen to me, and in some cases love me more. It seemed to matter to others what I looked like and what kind of figure or body I had.

I learned to hate my body for a long time. It wasn’t until late into my 20s that I learned to simply appreciate who I am. Oddly it wasn’t until my body began to betray me that I began to accept it.
My body is only a vehicle for me while I am here. I was given a vehicle that made my journey special. For if I had a vehicle that was what I wished it was for many years then I wouldn’t have learned the lessons I learned as a young girl. If I had been given a healthy, strong body I might not have had the time nor inclination to focus so fully on my own spiritual development and by doing so be able to help others.
Sadly my vehicle is failing me. Even though I am youngish, my vehicle is running the “Maine way” with a little duct tape and twine. It is in pain all of the time. My memory fails me often and seems to get worse daily.

But I am not my body. When this vehicle fails me, as all our vehicles eventually do, I will move from this earth until I decide to return to a new vehicle/body. I used to say I would not return again but I think I would like the opportunity to try again. I might have gotten the spiritual stuff right in this life but I think I need some practice at the “human” stuff.
Take care of your vehicle in this life. It’s the only one you get this go round and it has to last for quite a while. Life is longer than you realize. When you are young you always feel like your body will never fail you. When you get older your body isn’t as capable and it begins to become apparent how frail it really is.
I am not my body. I am who I am. I knew from a young age that I was not my body. I once asked my mother who I was but I don’t think she understood what I meant. My spirit is who I am. My “soul”, if you will, is who
I am. I am a combination of experiences from many lifetimes, not just this one. If you look at me and see only a thin, frail, woman with bad teeth, then you do not see me, you see the vehicle in which I dwell. Look beyond it, see past it, see within.

I am not my body. I am ME. I have lived many lives and dwelled within many vehicle bodies. I will continue when this vehicle body fails. And I will return someday in a new vehicle body to continue my experiences on this plane of existence.
You are not your body. It is your vehicle while you are here. Care for it as such but see within it to the true YOU!
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