A Calling!

First I will share my story as best as I can. When I was very young I used to lay in bed and night and have long talks with God and he with me. As I got older I 100% believed that I was supposed to become a minister. When I asked my Pastor at the time about how to do so I was told to find a new career choice. You see I was speaking to a Baptist Pastor and in the Baptist belief women cannot be the spiritual leader. I was devastated.
As I grew older the call did not become silent. I sought out information on God and religion in many places and different forms. I learned that there were other belief systems that I was more interested in and that suited me better. I spent many years within one in particular and did in fact become a Priestess within that faith.
Once again my path twisted and I grew away from this path I had long followed but the voice of God still rang clear and the pull for knowledge and the draw to teach, share, and counsel did not diminish. I discovered online ordination sites and did acquire ordination from two of them. This did not satisfy me though because I felt it was too easy. Anyone could do this and often did but what I felt was a strong call into ministry and it needed to be recognized and I wanted an education with it.
Finally I discovered The University of Metaphysical Sciences. It happened by pure synchronicity and I knew this was it. I knew I had to take the courses and obtain my Doctorate of Divinity as well as my ordination through their program.
However by the time I had discovered this wondrous place our family was in no financial position for even the small amount of tuition that it cost. Years passed and still we could not manage it. I was fortunate enough to actually meet and spend time speaking with the founder Christine Breese. She herself told me that they do everything they can to keep the tuition costs as low as possible because people who take their courses do so out of a deep spiritual love and a desire to help others. She encouraged me to hold on to the belief that when I was supposed to take them, the money would appear.
She was right. We have finally reached the ability to cover the costs and I am currently enrolled and taking classes toward my Bachelor’s degree, which is the first step. However I still believe that if there had been some program in place to help me get into these classes sooner that some of the difficulties we have had to endure might have been alleviated or at least more tolerable. I could already be doing the work I am meant to be doing instead of just starting on my four year journey toward my Doctorate.

I have other friends right now who feel called to do work in the fields of Homeopathic Medicine, Herbalism, Massage Therapy, Hypnotherapy and more. Amazing people who have suffered through the hardest of times and still remain positive and feel drawn to help others. People who are struggling every day to survive yet their heart’s desire is to enter into a career of service.
I have new friends and acquaintances who remind me that these educations are not something that people seek lightly but that are craved with every fiber of who they are. They are called to service. The draw comes from deep within. From a place that most people don’t realize exists or they simply ignore. It’s like no sensation I can describe. It’s like being hungry but not having the ability to find the right food to keep you sustained. It’s like a thirst that cannot be quenched. It’s love and pain wrapped together. It’s like the need to breath and when unable to fulfill it, it can feel like drowning.
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