You just never know what might pop out of my mouth at any given moment. I might be talking about my Indian Ringneck, or Full Time RVing. Maybe I'll be talking about the path to happiness or griping about the state of healthcare or maybe about chronic illness. I have lots to say and sometimes I'm just plain RANDOM.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Reflection about Enlightenment

A few steps along the road to enlightenment

I was going through some of my older writings tonight just kind of looking for useful tidbits I may have written along the way and I came upon this little set of steps toward enlightenment.
Certainly this is not the whole journey but they certainly are some wonderful things to do for yourself and to keep in mind along your path.
Steps to spiritual enlightenment:
Admit that you don’t have all the answers and there is much you do not know. Admit to yourself and be willing to admit to others that you are still learning and growing. Life is a journey of learning and we are constantly receiving new information but we must be open to it. In order to be open you must be willing to admit that you do not currently have all the answers and that what you think you know might not be what is the real answer. By admitting that many of your own thoughts and opinions about yourself, the world and spirituality in general might possibly be incorrect you allow yourself to be open to all possibilities and therefore leave room to receive true messages both from within and from the universe.
Self inventory and self reflection. By looking deep within ourselves and recognizing any shortcomings, problems, or baggage that we carry with us we begin a journey of looking within. Once our "issues" are recognized we become more open to receiving lessons, messages, and realizations about them and allow ourselves the ability and willingness to work with them and on them.
Allow yourself to do world or life inventory. See how you became who you are by the situations you have experienced and the people who have come into and/or left your life. Allow yourself to then question how others might have become who they are and try to see how the world has interacted with them as well. People watch.
Allow yourself to forgive. Forgive yourself for mistakes or missteps. Accept that these things were a part of your growth and experience. Own them. Forgive others for their mistakes or missteps. Accept that these things were a part of their growth and experience as well as your own.
State or write down your own current beliefs. Accept them and hold them dear in your heart but accept too that they might not all be 100% right and that you do not have all the answers. Be willing and open to the idea that these beliefs might grow or change as you do. Accept that your current beliefs are a stepping stone and vital to your current spiritual and emotional well being but give them room to grow and change as needed.

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