Who is Tracy?
I am happily married to my best friend in the universe now for 20+ years. I am a mother of 3 beautiful children, one of whom now resides with the angels. So grief and loss is an important topic to me. Helping others as they work through loss is something I hope to be able to do when I can.
I have been walking on my spiritual journey for as long as I can remember. I was raised Christian and have studied the Bible extensively. In my adult years I have also studied many other religions including Buddhism and Wicca. I spent 13 years as a practicing Wiccan and have been trained as a High Priestess. I now do not label myself as any particular religion but simply as spiritual.
I have chosen to become ordained through the ULC (Universal Life Church) because I have always felt a calling to ministry and it felt right to do so.I am also currently studying hypnosis and hope to eventually become a certified hypnotherapist. I am in college to get my Associates in Psychology and I also intend to soon begin courses with the University of Metaphysical Sciences to work toward my Doctorate of Divinity in Spiritual Counseling and my PhD in Metaphysical Science.
I am also a writer. I write articles, poetry and short stories mostly, but not soley, on spirituality. I share much of who I am through my writing and hope that it touches people on some level.
I have worked with a Metaphysical talk radio show, Our Worlds Productions, as their webmaster, promoter and co-host. It’s exciting to watch the show grow, to watch the listener base rising, and to be a part of meeting our guests and learning more about this vast metaphysical community we are now living in.
I am a passionate person in everything that I do. I am passionate about my husband, my family, my friends, and the world in which I live. I am passionate about the things I enjoy and my beliefs.
I believe in positive outlooks and leaving negative thinking behind, but I also believe in standing up for oneself and others. I believe in facing reality when it needs facing. That’s who I am!
I believe that life sometimes feels out of control when it really isn’t. Sometimes it feels overwhelming when we can handle more than we realize. I believe in being strong but allowing for a few tears. I believe in being gentle while being honest. I believe in LOVE, while I know that hate exists.
I also believe that sometimes there are things in life which we have to face head on. During those times sometimes it might seem I am not being positive but in reality I am holding on to hope, sending out love, and praying for us all. Sometimes giving out truth is not easy or fun and sometimes it is not all sunshine and roses but I believe that is life. While on that same day I am dancing in my kitchen singing to “Redneck Woman”.
I am who I am. If you don’t know me, spend some time paying attention because I’m here a lot and I’m completely open about me. If you still don’t know for sure, ask me. I’m not afraid to answer a question or four.
But in all that I am and in every moment I am love. I send love. I feel love for each and every one of you.
Mostly I’m just a person on a journey just like everyone else on this earth. I am no guru and do not claim to have all the answers or even any of the answers. I simply share what I have learned along my walk. I share my path with all of you.
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