Have You Set Up Camp?
Picture your spiritual growth like walking up or climbing up a mountain. This mountain is very large, immense even. This mountain has different types of terrains and many many paths which often even intersect one another. Sometimes we can see others walking or climbing up their own paths and other times we are cut off by trees, rock encropments or other terrain factors. Sometimes we might not see others but we can hear them calling out for help or whistling while they walk. Occasionally one might not like the path they have chosen and begin to cut a new path. Others might get lost as they search for a new path and have to find their way out of the woods or get help out of the woods. And sometimes we are lucky enough to find one or more people to walk with for a while. One or more people who have chosen the same path that we are currently on and who for a while are traveling at the same speed.

Ok so now you have this amazing picture of the mountain and an individuals journey up the mountain. It is an analogy that I have used often and been developing over time. Every person I meet or talk with adds to my understanding of the mountain and it’s varying paths. This is some of what I hope to share with you over time.
Today I want to ask you this. Have you set up camp? And do you think you’ve reached the top? I ask this because along my travels I have been fortunate enough to meet those who have set up camp and because of the weather and other factors they think they’ve reached the top. Yes I say fortunate because even though sometimes one who sits upon “their
mountaintop” can be pushy and even obnoxious, still I learn something from them and that makes me fortunate. Now, some of them journeyed for a long time to get there and the climb was steep. They reached a large plateau of beauty and comfort. All around the large field of beauty are trees blocking the view of further paths unless the paths are looked for and they are willing to see them. A fog has settled above the trees and the clouds are hanging low in such a way that it blocks their view of the rest of the mountain. So they believe they have reached the top of the mountain. They believe they have reached the pinnacle of knowledge and truth. So it is here in this place of love, peace and beauty that they have set up camp because to travel back down after finding such a place would be silly and they cannot see that there is more so they have chosen to remain.

Now that they set up camp they want others to enjoy it with them. Some find this camp naturally and because the camp exists and they too see only what I described they believe it must be true that this is the end of the path. They join the camp and begin to enjoy the company of the others here. The camp grows and becomes a community that those within want to share. They want to help others up the mountain so that they can get to this wondrous place. Some of them toss down ropes and pull others up, so that these others skip many steps and hurdles along the way. And the camp grows. They see some people come into the camp and rest but then leave. Not knowing where these people have gone they believe these people have gone back down the mountain into darkness and difficulty once more and they are sad for them. Of course by my description we can understand that these people who leave have found other paths that lead further upwards but those in the camp cannot see these paths nor understand that there is more to the journey.
There are other camps as well. Some people simply find a comfortable spot along the way and even with the knowledge the mountain continues they are tired and don’t have the energy to go forward. They find a place along the path that feels warm and comfortable. A place that tends to their needs and they camp there. These are usually temporary camps and when they are ready to move on someone will usually come along to inspire them to move upwards even if only just a few more miles. It is not of these camps that I speak and nor do I have concern for them because these folks are aware that they are setting up camp to rest and it is their choice.
The camps that I speak of are the ones set up by those who are so certain they have reached the top. The ones that then begin to assist in fooling others that it is the top not because they wish to deceive but because they are simply sure that this is it and they want to build a community since there is no place else to go.

In my mind the top of the mountain does not exist on this plane or this dimension but that is what we are striving for. So therefore if you get to the top and you are still walking within the physical, it is not the top. This is probably the best test of where you truly are.
Remember nobody is a master while they are still here walking in the physical. I say to you, I do not have all the answers. I may not even have any answers that are for you. All I share is what I have learned upon my own journey and if it helps you along your journey in any way then I feel honored to have shared it. If it does not speak to you or help you in some way I simply feel honored that you listened while I spoke and shared a few moments with me.
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