I am the 99%
Ok folks here is one of my passionate pieces of information.

If you think you aren’t or you think this doesn’t affect you or those around you then you need to open your minds and your eyes.

STOP listening to the main stream media, THEY LIE constantly and consistently about just about everything. Do some real research.
This country is in real trouble and has been for some time now and it affects YOU or it affects someone you know (maybe they just haven’t shared it with you).If you don’t understand what’s happening in this country then do some looking. Read some of the many posts out there that explain it, watch some videos, do your own searches.
I’m so happy for you if thus far this has not affected your life in some way, if you are living financially secure and eating every day. But don’t fool yourself into believing it will never affect you. It may take time but eventually it is going to affect every single person I know and every single one they know. Let’s not let it get that far! We CAN create change.

The 1% have so much money and so many tax loopholes that they will never be in danger or worry about anything. They are able to finance 100% any candidates run for office that they wish and generally with that kind of money and pull are able to get them in there with little effort. Can you do that? If you can’t then guess what, you are part of the 99%.

If you are unsure about what the goals are of this movement, again do some research. They DO have goals. There IS a plan. And they are not alone. There are TWO movements going on simultaneously but with similar goals and working together.
If you want to keep pretending that this isn’t happening or isn’t real, well that is your choice but when the shift finally hits the fan and life crashes on you or someone you love, remember you could have supported the effort to create a change.
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