The Awakening!

I say subconscious hope because I don’t believe the most people consciously think about governments, politics, war, or other such things during a typical day or week.

Think about it. What did you do today? You got up and probably got yourself and maybe your children ready for the day. Then you might have gone to work, run errands, or spent a day relaxing watching tv in your living room. Did you stop to think about hunger, poverty (other than possibly your own), or war today?

Most people are simply trying to live their lives and praying they get to do so with some semblance of peace and some level of comfort.

These people didn’t want to think about it. They wanted to live their lives with some peace and comfort. They wanted to get ready for school and work and spend their days too busy to care. And when you think about it, that was the safest way for our governments to have us, was too busy to care.
This mass awakening has happened in the past and probably for similar reasons. It happened then and now because life simply wasn’t being lived in peace or comfort anymore. Suddenly an awareness of the pain, suffering, hunger, poverty, and mass amount of war that exists in this WORLD today became too much to ignore anymore.
Suddenly people realized that things had to change in a big way and soon. Fear did not
drive this awakening though, as often it does. Compassion drove it. Compassion for our fellow humans all around the world. Compassion for those who go to sleep at night with stomachs crying out. Compassion for the military families who go to bed each night with the prayer that soon they will see their loved one again. Compassion for those who were once living comfortable lives and suddenly found themselves homeless and in massive debt.

Fear did not awaken the masses but it is fear that will awaken the few. Those few who believed they could continue down the path they had been taking. The path that was trampling upon the meek. The path that was taking advantage of the courageous. The path that ignores those who cannot pay to be heard. Fear will awaken them. Fear that they can no longer go unseen or unthought of. Fear that they have lost control, which they have. Fear that they are exposed and vulnerable.
And they should be thankful that it was compassion that awoke the masses because compassion continues to drive this force, this occupation, this revolution, and that compassion extends to them in the form of the masses maintaining their peaceful status.

If you were one that thought this awakening, this movement, was going to be short lived and relatively useless, I think you are in for a big surprise. They aren’t going anywhere. They are compassionate but they are tired. Tired of watching good people be walked upon and used. Tired of watching governments around the world abuse their power and silence the media about it. This movement isn’t going away, for now they are awake and seldom will you find it easy to put a bear like this one back to sleep so easily. The flame of this fire has been lit and it is strong and burns hot. You will not see this one put out so easily.

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