You just never know what might pop out of my mouth at any given moment. I might be talking about my Indian Ringneck, or Full Time RVing. Maybe I'll be talking about the path to happiness or griping about the state of healthcare or maybe about chronic illness. I have lots to say and sometimes I'm just plain RANDOM.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It Could Be YOU

Do you think you are special?
Are you different than me?
In the land of the brave,
and the home of the free.
Whatever happened
To MY American Dream
Just because I am different
Just what does it all mean
Because I am older
Or because my body is ill
I don’t deserve good food?
Or my stomach to fill?
Second hand clothes
Becoming threadbare
I guess I am lucky
To breath the same air
I used to be worthy
Back when I could pay
All the taxes and systems
That I thought would help me someday
So if you are thinking
This won’t happen to you
You are fooling yourself
And it’s time for the truth
Anything can happen
To anyone, anytime
It takes just a moment
Life can turn on a dime!

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