What people must think of me when my body pops and cracks as I move, as I stand from the cart to get something and a gunshot comes from my knee that echoes across the store. What they must wonder when I sound like bubble wrap as I move.
It occurred to me, as I sat in the early hours of dawn this morning, that people who do not know me, who do not know my diagnosis, must think I look strange when the see me. As my jaw pops and cracks this morning and does its typical floating painfully back and forth. I began to look at myself from the eyes of a stranger. I wondered what it must be like to interact with me when suddenly my jaw takes on a life of its own, the TMJ I suffer from simply doing its normal routine as I try to live my life.

Further I began to think about the times that I pop and crack in public. Here at home when I send off a loud pop from a knee or my neck, my husband and I laugh or make some joke. I wonder what people think when I am out and it happens. Or when suddenly I sound like bubble wrap and my whole body simply pops and snaps as I move.
I have actually often wondered what people think about the 90 pound woman riding around in a drivable buggy at the market. I can’t walk all that time that it takes to shop without seriously detracting from the rest of my day and possibly the next, so I have resigned myself to its use. But I look relatively young and I’m so tiny. It has to make a stranger wonder a bit.
Not that I care so much what others think. I have to live my life and honestly people are going to think what they want no matter what I do. I know my limits and I try to live by them. I know my capabilities and I embrace them.

And then I remember who I am! I am not my body. I am not my pain. I am just ME. I own and accept the burden I was given with this body that is in such a painful condition. I own
and accept my popping and cracking. Relief would be nice and certainly appreciated but even if it never really comes, I will continue to live my life the best I can. I will continue to move forward, even when it hurts. I will continue to be who I am and the rest I will live with. When you don’t have a choice about your pain, you still have a choice about your attitude.

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