The Search for Self

There are many paths that can be taken and many tools that can be utilized in our search. Meditation, Prayer, Religion, Psychology, just to name a few.
We are spiritual beings at our core but we are having a very HUMAN experience. How do we find the balance to honor both? How do we learn about ourselves while still surviving in the day to day humanity? Some days this can seem nearly impossible.
For many religion is helpful because it allows us to congregate once a week with others who think like we do. It allows us to take a break from the day to day struggles and focus on something more.
For others daily meditation is of amazing value because it allows us to focus within ourselves and connect with energies that are not as perceptible when dealing with the daily stresses that one usually has to deal with.
Some people choose not to seek at all. They are content to live there human existence without honoring the spiritual beings that they are. They have chosen to simply be in the physical and enjoy it. For others that simply could never be enough.
Some people are able to seek themselves out entirely on their own. Others might require help along the way. Help comes in many forms. Spiritual Counseling, Life Coaching, Divination, Psychological Counseling, Finding a Teacher, counseling of a Minister, or one of many other choices. It is not weak to seek out help in the search for the self. Sometimes simply having someone to listen and bounce things off of can be an amazing source of support and help extremely in self discovery and self realization.
Whatever it is that you choose or require, know that it is perfect. Just because what you choose is different than another does not make it wrong. Find contentment with who you are. What makes you happy might not be the same as it is for another and that is perfectly fine.

The search for the self, whether it be simply who you are in this lifetime or the search for the spiritual self, can be a long and twisted path, but it is also very fulfilling and the search itself can be an amazing adventure if you allow it to be.
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