You just never know what might pop out of my mouth at any given moment. I might be talking about my Indian Ringneck, or Full Time RVing. Maybe I'll be talking about the path to happiness or griping about the state of healthcare or maybe about chronic illness. I have lots to say and sometimes I'm just plain RANDOM.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I'm Learning

I'm learning. Learning to let go. Learning to worry about me as much as if not more than others. I used to give a million chances and excuses for the behaviour of others but I'm learning that there has to be a limit to what I take. I'm learning.

I know everyone has a bad day. I know everyone has difficult moments. I have already learned that I cannot expect from others the behaviour I expect from myself. I logically know that I cannot expect the behaviour from others to match what I expect from myself, but I often get dissappointed anyway because in my heart I still have that hope I guess.

 I've gotten to a point now where at least when it happens I don't get angry anymore. I know it's my own fault for having unrealistic expectations. I'm learning to let those expections go. Sadly, at least for me, I am learning if I must have expectations they have to be a whole lot lower.

Logically I know having expectations is a mistake to begin with but I think we all have expectations of our lives, our friends, the people around us. It is a natural part of us even if we do not readily recognize it.

I'm learning. I'm learning to let go of the responsibility I feel for the world. I can only be responsible for ME. And though logically I have always known that, I know I take far too much on sometimes.

Even though I KNOW these things it's still a lesson I'm learning because I have to learn how to worry about me more than others. I have to learn to let go when my instincts tell me to hang on. I have to learn to accept that another's behaviour doesn't say something about me, it says something about them. And I have to learn that I have limited responisibilities in ALL that I do and stick to what's mine.

I'm getting there every day and talking to amazing people that I have in my life helps me remember these things and think them through before I react to something that I shouldn't even be worrying about.

Picture for a Crazy good friend!

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