You just never know what might pop out of my mouth at any given moment. I might be talking about my Indian Ringneck, or Full Time RVing. Maybe I'll be talking about the path to happiness or griping about the state of healthcare or maybe about chronic illness. I have lots to say and sometimes I'm just plain RANDOM.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Choose to Live TODAY!

Let today be your life! Enjoy your moments. Take a mental picture of the best of today but also simply enjoy those moments. Be IN them.

Yesterday is gone. Yesterday might have been the most awful day. It might have been difficult, traumatic, or simply awful. However, it was yesterday. We can't change the day or what happened. What we CAN change is OURSELVES and how we see the NEW day we are in.

Tomorrow has yet to be determined. Tomorrow might be AMAZING. Tomorrow might hold the most amazing key to your future. Or tomorrow might hold a new struggle or a new lesson to learn. However, it has not yet appeared. We need to not worry about tomorrow so much and live in fear of it. It is UNKNOWN and we cannot change that.

TODAY is where we are. Each moment holds a new gift to unfold. Even in our difficult moments we are being shown something that will help us or we are being led to something more amazing. Even in the most difficult moments we can find something wonderful to smile about.

TODAY is a gift. Waking up each morning is a GIFT. Tomorrow is never guaranteed and so each time we wake it is a wonderful gift. That in and of itself is something to cherish and appreciate but there's always more. Go out and look at the beautiful grass and appreciate the green earth. Enjoy the beauty of the white snow that blankets the ground and realize that so many never get to see that beauty. Dance in the rain or walk in the sun. Hang on to the loved one who is standing by your side or appreciate yourself and your own strength to stand alone.

Every moment is a gift. Every minute you have a CHOICE. Your choice is to dwell on the negative and let it drag you down or to grasp onto the positive and enjoy the warmth even the smallest joy can bring to you.

Let today be the first day of a new dawn within your life. Let today begin your journey into happiness. Happiness is not a destination but a way of life. However, it takes time to learn how to live it. So let today be your new beginning.

Each day wake up and say thank you. Just say the words. Don't worry about who you are saying it to, the emotion of gratitude is enough. Gratitude creates a change withing. Start with that and then every day live in the DAY, live in the NOW, live in the moments.

Not all moments are good but we can choose to experience the bad with the good. Experience just the moment, let it pass over you and through you. Allow yourself to feel and express your feelings. And finally don't dwell, allow yourself to pass into the next moment and continue forward. Because just as all moments are not good, all moments ARE NOT BAD either. And when we choose to focus more fully on the positive, we experience that for longer and longer.

Let today be the beginning of something beautiful for you. Let it be that beginning of change. Experience only the moment you are in. Don't dwell in yesterday for it is gone, don't worry about tomorrow for it will take care of itself, simply live in the moment you are in for each moment throughout the day and find out what it's like to truly live fully and experience your life.

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